Welcome to MotorHeadMen.com
See the new updates to the site as of 10/28/24
Click here to see Our New link tree to see everything
Click here to help support our project, See our New line or shirts and hats
Update 9/23/2024
I am finally back to the web, social media and getting this whole MHM adventure pulled together. stayed tuned as I work to get every thing linked together and everything i want published. I thank you stopping by and I truly hope you stop back often to see what we are doing. Seams some social sites don’t like what i am doing but they will not stop me.
What’s New and what are we working on, well as we adjust this site, you will see a link What’s New follow that to see all the updates as we get them added
This site is a tribute to the old school Motorheads of the world. Men and women who love turning wrenches and getting their hands dirty while building their own rides. It does not matter if it’s a hot rod, a truck, a bike or a muscle car, If you are a Motorhead you are welcome here.
Since the day I first started this site, the internet world has changed in many ways, along with many other things in life.
Below you you can find the links to see us on different social media platforms along with
ways to contact me
(CudaBill) If you wish
This site was built by Old School Motorhead men and women, for old school Motorhead guys and gals.
Tell us what you think. We are just getting started. “Stay tuned” to see all we have that’s we have planned to offer.
Curious To Know Who We Are?
This site is a tribute to the old school Motorheads of the world. Men and women who love turning wrenches and getting their hands dirty while building their own rides. It does not matter if it’s a hot rod, a truck, a bike or a muscle car, If you are a Motorhead you are welcome here.
If you share our passion for building old school rides, and love hearing the stories from the builders, the Race car owners and salvage yard owners who had passion to persevere the parts and cars then, feel free to take a test drive through our site.
Click this link to see us on TicToc
Click this link to see us on YouTube
If you wish to contact me
email me at Musclecarnutz@yahoo.com
Any thing regarding our E Bay sales, if its on e bay we have no intentions of screwing up on our eBay agreement. so please don’t ask us to take something off after it has been listed. If you wish to send us information or a list of stuff you might need feel free to email us at
Below here you can see the many things we are working
(past and present)
See the Interviews and Stories with the real Motorhead Men and Women about the salvage yard days and getting the cars built.

Meet the old school racers
Meet the Old School Motorhead men that love to collect the old parts and cars
See some of the interview videos and images of the men that love collecting the history and parts. They all love to share their stories.

Be sure and Check out
The beautiful and sexy Hot Rod Hanna
as she learns the Old School Car world.
Watch her videos as Hanna learns to work on and build muscle cars. She also is a working staff member who is learning many new things about the old school car world.

See the salvage yards that still have rusty gold.
See some of the images from the old Salvage yards that still exist today. before they are all lost in time. Soon many of them will just be memories.

Meet a Man that works hard to preserve the racing history
one piece at a time

Meet Chad Culver, preserving Delaware dirt track history, “One piece at a time”

See the car show photo’s as shared to us from our readers.
See what we are working on next
We have several ladies on our staff who want to write about the real ladies out there who live and breath hot rods. Many of these ladies also work on hot rods. So stay tuned for the old school hot rod ladies page
So many new things we are working on for the shops “STAY TUNED”